Sherriff Goslin Roofing Muncie: Providing the Best Roofing Experiences Since 1981
When it comes to protecting your investment, choosing a local roofing company that has stood the test of time should be your number one criteria. Our commitment to employing the best, most experienced managers and employees in the business means you can be confident with Sherriff Goslin Roofing Muncie you’ll be receiving the best roofing service in Muncie.
Meet Our Core Team Members:

Pete Dall, Branch Manager
(765) 212-7958
Pete has been with Sherriff Goslin for 26 years. He started in Dayton, Ohio after graduating from the University of Dayton. He has been married for 24 years to his wife. They have 2 kids who are graduating and will soon be leaving for college. Pete earned the Rookie of the Year at Sherriff Goslin in 1991. He has been a top ten salesman many times and an honor roll manager several times over the last 20 years. In his spare time, Pete enjoys running, cycling, and following his daughters’ swim teams. He is also an avid Notre Dame and Indianapolis Colts fan. Locally, people know him from radio ads and the Muncie branch tag line “call Pete Dall y’all.”

Gary Burdine, Salesman
Gary has been with the company 3 years. Gary is a Ball State Graduate. He is a determined and responsible young man who works hard for his customers. Gary plans on being a Sherriff Goslin team member for many years to come.